
The first table lists my invited lectures and mini-courses, including a link to an online recording if available. Underneath, my presentations of papers at congresses are listed.

Courses and Invited lectures

2024Lecture on "Starting right: aligning eligibility and treatment assignment at time zero when emulating a target trial"Division of Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, USA (online)
2024Lecture at JSN/ERA joint symposiumJapanese Society of Nephrology, Japan
2024Intermediate Course in PharmacoepidemiologyDanish Society for Pharmacoepidemiology, Denmark
2024Lecture series (3 lectures) on target trial emulationDept of Clinical Epidemiology of Aarhus University, Denmark Slides #2 Slides #3
2023Journal club clone-censor-weightHarvard School of Public Health, USA
2023Lecture series (3 lectures) on target trial emulationKarolinska Institute, Sweden
2023Lecture on "Drawing causal inference from observational studies in nephrology"ERA congress Milan, Italy Slides
2023Stanley Shaldon Award LectureERA congress Milan, ItalyYouTube
2023Lecture on "Target trial emulation: what, why and how?"Kidney Health Research Collaborative, UCSF, USA
2023Lecture on "Safety of SGLT-2 inhibitors vs. GLP-1RA in patients with CKD and type 2 diabetes: U.S. cohort study"Renal Disease Interest Group, Johns Hopkins University, USA
2023Lecture on "Using clone-censor-weight to study deprescribing: an application to RAS inhibitors in advanced CKD patients"NorPEN (Nordic Pharmacoepidemiological Network)
2023Lecture on "Clinical research: description, prediction, causality"Dutch Surgical Society for Medical Students, LUMC, The Netherlands
2022Guest lecturer in Clinical Data Science course (CI732)Harvard Medical School, USA
2022Lecture on "Target trial emulation - what, why and how?"Nephrology Grand Rounds, Ottawa Hospital, Canada YouTube
2022Workshop on "Longitudinal data and time-to-event modelling"LUMC, The Netherlands
2022Lecture on "Target trial emulation: A new standard for observational research"University College London, UK
2022Lecture on "Implications for outcome studies on timing of dialysis initiation" (in the session "Why Nephrology needs Target Trial Emulation")ERA-EDTA congress, Paris, France
2022Lecture on "Introduction to pharmaco-epidemiology" (Epidemiology Course: Advanced Statistical Approaches in Observational Clinical Research and Introduction to Pharmacoepidemiology)World Congress of Nephrology Slides
2021Lecture on "Target trial emulation in nephrology using observational data - a new paradigm"Department of Medical Informatics, Amsterdam UMC, The Netherlands
2021Lecture on "Effectiveness and safety of renin-angiotensin system inhibitors in advanced kidney disease: nationwide cohort studies"Harvard Medical School, USA
2020Course coordinator for Medicine in NumbersPre-University, LUMC, The Netherlands Course manual
2020Lecture on "Association between renal function decline after RAS-blockade and cardiorenal outcomes"Honour College, LUMC, The Netherlands
2019Lecture on "Association of acute increases in creatinine after renin-angiotensin system blockade with subsequent outcomes"Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
2018-2021Instructor Epidemiology, BSc/MSc Medicine and Biomedical SciencesLUMC, The Netherlands

Orals at congresses

ERA 2024Effect of dialysis vs. conservative care on all-cause mortality in older patients with advanced CKD (senior author)Best abstract by young author
ERA 2024Measured glomerular filtration rate and risk of adverse outcomes in 6,059 patients from the Stockholm CREAtinine Measurements (SCREAM) project
ICPE 2023Effectiveness and safety of apixaban, rivaroxaban and warfarin in patients with advanced CKD and atrial fibrillation (free communication)
ERA 2023Effectiveness and safety of apixaban, rivaroxaban and warfarin in patients with advanced CKD and atrial fibrillation
ERA 2023Accuracy of estimated glomerular filtration rate equations in patients with discordances between creatinine and cystatin c-based estimations (moderated oral)
ERA 2023Accuracy of novel GFR estimating equations based on creatinine, cystatin c or both in routine care (focused oral)
ERA 2022Impact of removing race from the CKD-EPI equation: analysis of 1.6 million Swedish adultsBest abstract by young author
ERA-EDTA 2021When to initiate dialysis to reduce mortality and cardiovascular events in advanced CKDBest abstract of congress
ERA-EDTA 2021Comparative effectiveness of SGLT2i versus DPP4i on cardiovascular and renal outcomes in routine-care settings (mini-oral)
European Society of Cardiology 2020Association between beta-blocker use and mortality/morbidity in patients with heart failure and advanced CKDSelected for advances in science session
Dutch Nephrology Days 2020Beta-blockers are associated with reduced mortality in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction and advanced chronic kidney disease: a cohort study
ERA-EDTA 2020β-blockers are associated with reduced mortality in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction and advanced CKD: cohort studyBest abstract presented by young author
ERA-EDTA 2020 Comparative effectiveness of renin-angiotensin system inhibitors and calcium channel blockers in individuals with advanced chronic kidney disease: a nationwide cohort studyERA-EDTA Social Media Award
ERA-EDTA 2019Long-term cardiorenal outcomes associated with the acute increase of plasma creatinine following renin-angiotensin system blockade in a real-world settingBest abstract presented by young author
Dutch Nephrology Days 2019Renin-angiotensin system inhibition, mortality and cardiorenal outcomes in advanced chronic kidney disease